Wednesday, November 3, 2010

FSC take 1

Fantasy Supper Club was an idea long in the making but an great idea as a way to further explore some of SF's great restaurants. Full disclosure, I'm the late poster who has to try to fill in the gaps of our much discussed and analyzed first dinner. Rather than do that, as much as already been shared in detail, I'm going to share a few of my 1st impressions to the dining experience...

As a creature of habit and a bit of a local homer in terms of my dining, getting out of my neighborhood and exploring a restaurant that I hadn't even heard of immediately peaked my interest. I value the culinary diversity and sheer number of restaurants in SF so hitting up a new place every month will be a great adventure....the second of which is taking place tomorrow hence my desire to get this post up today!

Upon first entering the restaurant it wasn't what I expected. I was expecting Castro-trendy and got something that looked like it had been hoisted from downtown Napa but with a kick of urban schick thrown in. It was even more surprising to learn that the restaurant had been around for 16 years, shows you how truly little I do venture to new neighborhoods but clearly need to.

The service was excellent! First, the waitor was knowledgable about the wine menu and shockingly didn't recommend expensive wine. Was actually quite helpful in picking moderatlely priced bottles that in my opinion were excellent choices. As we moved to food, he absolutely nailed it with the apps! The tomato tower was awesome. It looked awesome in how how high it was stacked but even more impressive was how good it was. No doubt, order it!

The one thing you need to know is that portions are large. Not a bad thing, just something to be aware of as you can probably get by with sharing an app and doing individual entrees or share a bunch of apps and split an entree. And the portions don't get any smaller as you move to the dessert portion of the meal.

As a first pass at Fantasy Supper Club (FSC), 2223 was a great choice both in regards to the meal and to us hashing out some exciting guidelines for FSC moving forward. Can't wait to see where Liz and John pick next and who they bring!.....

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